Mariana Islands Training and Testing Supplemental EIS/OEIS
About the MITT Study Area
Proposed Action
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Information Repositories
Public Meetings
Public Comment
2020 Mariana Islands Training and Testing Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS
Record of Decision
Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS
2020 Supplemental EIS/OEIS Supporting Technical Documents
Endangered Species Act Biological Opinion
Marine Mammal Protection Act - Letter of Authorization
2019 Mariana Islands Training and Testing Supplemental EIS/OEIS Documents
Draft Supplemental EIS/OEIS
Public Comments
Marine Mammal Protection Act
2015 Mariana Islands Training and Testing EIS/OEIS Documents
2015 EIS/OEIS Supporting Technical Documents
Record of Decision
Endangered Species Act Biological Opinion
Marine Mammal Protection Act - Letter of Authorization
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act - Essential Fish Habitat Assessment
2010 Mariana Islands Range Complex EIS/OEIS Document
Environmental Stewardship
Latest Science and Technology
Navy Acoustic Effects Model
Protective Measures Assessment Protocol
Marine Protective Measures
Marine Species Research and Monitoring
Afloat Pollution Prevention
Partnerships and Awards
Coral Reef Protection
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Informational Videos
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MITT Supplemental EIS/OEIS
Privacy and Security Notice
Privacy and Security Notice
Mariana Islands Training and Testing Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS)
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