Navy is leading the collection of marine mammal and sea turtle data in the Mariana IslandsIn its role as an environmental steward, the Navy strives to minimize the potential impacts of naval activities on the marine environment while still achieving its mission to train, equip, and maintain capable Sailors. The Navy is leading the collection of marine mammal and sea turtle data in the Mariana Islands. The Navy funded the first line transect survey in the Study Area in 2007 resulting in baseline density estimates for the region. Since 2010, the Navy’s collaboration with National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration’s Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center has resulted in biannual small boat surveys and collection of passive acoustic monitoring data. These data not only further inform the baseline distribution of marine mammals, but they also feed into the effects analysis for the Supplemental EIS/OEIS and permits for naval activities under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Species Act. 

For more information, please visit the Navy’s Marine Species Monitoring Program website.